Tuesday, January 1, 2008

2008 is here...

Wowie..time sure flies fast doesn't it? 2008 is here.

We are going to have a fabulous year!...looking forward to the challenges, laughter and joy of 2008.

love from us,

Arif, Daniel and Moi

chant to self: what is in the mind, will surely manifest.

4 cheers!:

Mimiamilia said...

Salam sya,

Semoga tahun ni dapat lebih keberkatan dan rahmat Allah.


Madam Robert said...

are u reading Maximum Ride? James Peterson (or something the name is..) are u? ^^

sya said...

Mimi: Insya'Allah Mimi.owh..and good luck on your phd..gurl.

Hana: Nup...why?..eh hana banana..email me the link to your secret blog...ehehehe..btw.miss you hunny...can't wait till the end of this month!

Madam Robert said...

hana banana? cezz.. one Canadian observer here call me, hana montana. bleh??! jangkit aper laa korang nih..