Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Qisha Adriana

Best giler cuti lelama nih...hehehe..rasa cam tak leh terima hakikat kena start balik kerja..ihik2...

Anyway all went well ...alhamdulillah..saya selamat melahirkan seorang baby perempuan 2.95kg dengan svd (natural birth).Truthfully I think all the crap about second time being easier is a lie!!hehe...qishas birth was actually worst...sampai sekarang kalau kena sembelit and get that ala2 memulas feel...i cringe and remember the 22nd of October!!!

Qisha is now sleeping and daniel is at school...=).I am trying to savour these last moments of cuti..tapi stok susu cik qisha tak cukup lagi...cemaner nih...aba dier dah hint cakap alaaa...tinggal setin kecik isomil just in case EBM tak cukup...noooooooooooooo.....i seriously plan to exclusively breastfeed her until two...amin..ya rabb...

anyway here are pictures of my little angel

Qisha @ 1 day

and here is Qisha @ 2 months!

and just to make things interesting hehehe...this is daniels latest hobby!!!

sarah! aku nk nengok gambar adam!!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Salam Lebaran buat semua!!!

Selamat menyambut Hari Raya pada semua!!!
Hati-hati balik kampung tu....=)

Maafkan jika kami ada buat salah silap...halalkan makan minum.

Ikhlas dari,
Arif, Daniel and Moi

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Current update

Gagagaga...bak kata mimi..dah bersawang dah blog aku nih...so disebabkan server yang teramatlah slownyer hari nih...aku ingin makan gaji buta untuk hupdate blog terchenta...

update pregnancy:

tgh menghitung hari jerlaa skang nih...rasa nak suh si kecik nih keluar cepat pun ada...tapi bila fikir2 balik biar si kecik membesar secukupnya dalam perut..=)...barang2 si kecik semua dah cukup insyaAllah...macam manalaa daniel nak jadik abang...hihhihi..manja kededek lagi anak bujang sorang tuh...checkup seterusnya isnin nih..maka genaplah 34 minggu. no pain no gain.

update posa:
rasa cam budak2 pun ada ehhehehe...sebab tahap ketidaklaratan puasa tahun nih memang mencabar iman...tulang belulang dalam badan rasa macam nak reput and bila balik umah tuh memang dah pengsan..hehehe..tapi syukur alhamdulillah tuhan masi bagi kekuatan untuk berpuasa...

update keje:
takder apa yg menarik kecuali tahap kemalasan yg amat mencabar...kul 4 sharp aku dah tercongok depan lift nak balik...tak larat beb!!!...nak fikir pasal keje pun malas...hehehe...

update bibik:
yey...bibik dah lulus medicalnya...and akan masuk balik raya ke 9....alhamdulillah...having a bibik can be either heaven or hell on earth..but buat masa skang aku kena amik chance it can be heaven....

update umah:
arghhh....kena tunggu consent dari land ofis lagi..lamanyaalaaa..rasa dah dekat setahun loan aku tu dah lulus..mrta pun aku kena top up disebabkan peningkatan umur diri ini..hehehe...tapi barang2 perabut untuk rumah baru adalaa beli sikit2...dan sujud syukurlaa ayahanda mensponsor set sofa yang menjadi idaman...

update raya:

hehhe..raya tahun nih raya kat kl jer....raya kat umah adik aku...(technically rumah parents tapi dia duduk situ)...lega jugak sebenaarnya sebab malas nak travel g mana2....rasa nak lepak je...mungkin amik kesempatan cuti raya nih nak menyopping barang2 last minit adik...mama and ayah nak fly balik ke saudi raya ke lima..so berpantang sorang2 laaa aku..ihik2...sedih2...ayah dah stat balik mengajar 7hb...my dad dah officially resign dari usm and planning too stay in saudi as long as possible...tapi bila fikir balik betul jugak kata ayah...dia dah puas fikir pasal dunia..time nilaa dia nak kenal agama and dia rasa tenang and lebih dekat dengan Allah dekat sana...Madinah and Mekah pun dekat katanya...hehehe..sian my mom jelaa...kicking and screaming tak mahu g riyadh...=)

oh ..ni gambar terbaru cheeky abang long...dah jadik anak bujang anak mama nih..(sorry for the low resolution of camera..amik denagn phone je)

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

My First Day

I know..i know its been ages since I updated my blog....things have been tiring and hectic lately what with the new house...new job...and most of all new kid on the way.

Today is my second day in the new company. I guess it isn't too bad...the environment is almost the same to CGG and with the flexible policy going around here..I am happy (for the time being that is)ehhehehe...

Oh yeah....scanned little baby in tummy last two weeks...yipedeee...its going to be a girl (cross thy fingers)!!This little girl has brought much rezeki to our lives.. and is a much awaited sister for big brother Daniel..

Talking about Daniel..arghhh my little monster has come up with a terrible habit of wanting toys every single freakin day!! Comin home from taska...he would find various ways such as...the 'puss in the boots' face...the "gaging oneself with hand until puking" method and the ever so famous "screaming,kicking and rolling on the ground" trick. I know...I know...I have to toughen up and be strict with him...but tell you the truth..I have no energy left bila balik kerja to actually put up a fight....my pockets are begining to dry up with his current addiction...

On that note...heres a picture of my ex-office , I sure miss those giant screens...these measly excuse as screens they give me here is giving me a headache..but looking on the good side i'll be smiling the end of this month.....

p/s: Hana banana...sorry for being MIA hari tu...Daniel threw my handphone goodness knows where...and me being the geophysicist I am put it in silent...found it on Sunday burried inside his toy box....ampun2 cik kak....and yes send the cards to me..nanti sya deliver kat dak2 lain...

My address here is :

EMGS Malaysia
Unit E-15.2-4, 15th Floor,East wing,
Wisma Rohas Perkasa
No 8 Jalan Perak
50450 Kuala Lumpur

Muahs! Love you lots...say hi to manuel.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008


People look at me and think its easy for me to make friends.

It isn't.Its hard for me to find someone i can fully trust and love. The past 27 years, i can actually count how many true friends I've made and hold a place in my heart.Through tough times or through times that we don't even contact each other...i must admit i am not the most forgiving person on earth but these friends have never hurt me to the extent that i had to make a choice of forgiving and forgetting.

For these few people....i say thank you for believing and loving me the way i am.
One of them is my hana....

Hana banana.... i love you for always being there. I miss you babe. i sometimes get so mad that you are not here when things are so down.when i need a shoulder to cry on....without you judging and criticizing me. For always being frank with me and giving your true opinion in life....
For never ever backstabbing me....even in the worst moments in life.

Today i felt friendless. I felt alone. I felt sick. I almost forgot you are still there my friend. And like always you come by with a thoughtful gesture...reminding me you are there even if you dah ada manuel...heheh

I take this opportunity to ask for your forgiveness if i have ever hurt your feelings...

I love you and miss you babe...


Friday, May 2, 2008

12 weeks

Its been a long time since ive had time to blog....awww...meant to put up daniels latest pictures ...tak terbuat...sorry darling...mama tak sempat...maybe tommorow...

apa cerita terbaru...let me see...well daniel behaviour lately has been oh so sakit kepala!!!...hes been throwing tantrums and so mudah merajuk..kekadang kesian jugak since i literaly have no energy to pujuk or play with him bila balik keje...penat okey...baby no 2 has not been nice to mama...my back rasa macam nak pecah...weight gain jangan ceritalaa...heheh..
abang long pun macam tau2 je hes goin to get an adik soon....sayang daniel..
mamas love takkan kurang kat daniel...jangan risau key darlin...

masalah bibik pun tak selesai2...hopefully we'll be gettin a new bibik next two week...i have two people to choose from..malas nak cerita panjang2...im so frustrated with the bibik issue...

on a lighter note...loan rumah dah setel...lawyer problem dah setel...cross fingers..we get to move in our new house before i give birth....will update later on cerita new house...

hmmm...theres another thing that seems to be bothering me....i don't think it happened during daniels pregnancy...ive been havin really weird and kinda funny dreams lately...last night was so kelakar i pun tersenyum bila woke up...hehehhe
i mimpi i knew mawi (yes boys and girls...the singer)...and he was gettin married...he called me up for some advise on wedding arrangements...wth!!..hehehe..
and the day before i mimpi i was thrown into a sungai which had really evil lookin fish swimminh in it...these fish was so-like-hello scary lookin....half fish and half ada kaki...swimming all around me...
sarah...ko ada tak mimpi2 nih....well at least my nights are more intersting...hahahah

anyway dah dekat nak maghrib..me want to go solat and lepak kat surau sebelum hubby sampai.....tak larat okey...missing my baby daniel...


Friday, April 11, 2008


Arghh..i have a banging headache that is literally pounding my veins.
Cramps seems to be taking over my whole body.

Please help me god.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Bye-bye sweety pie

Adik Ronaldo,

You've been such a sweetheart, the best! and I ll miss you lots adik.
Take care of yourself back in calgary...
Best of luck in your future undertakings and oh yeah.....always remember to use condoms!

Sunday, March 16, 2008

17 DOWN 20 UP..

Yup...boys and girls....I was feeling weird and bloated for the last 2 weeks...wasn't really expecting moi to be pregnant since there have been a couple of false alarms this year.but what the heck,i bought a pregnancy tester which apparently came in twos...the instruction says...
pee and put the stick in ..in 40 seconds if two distinctive lines appear..you are pregnant...and...nup....
it didn't appear in 40 seconds...it appeared the second my pee touched the line section..eheheh...i chucked out the first stick..read the expiry date..hmm May 2008..maybe that one had an early expiry..tried the second one..and hey presto...

daniel is going to be a brother...i am going to be a mother of two...bibik has double the work...hehehhe..next year its not going be satu bungkus huggies it will be two...
i just lost 17 kilos...i 'm going to gain back 20...and...

it started with a bl**dy kiss....

breath in-breath out

look at the bright side...i 'm going to get a spankin new baby next year insyaAllah..wopieee..

i googled this up with my weigt and height...

You will probably gain 11.3 kgs - 15.9 kgs during your pregnancy.
If you gained the average of the range above, this is where the weight would go (totals are rounded):


1.1 kgs

0.5 kgs

1.4 kgs

1.9 kgs

3.8 kgs

8.6 kgs

Your baby:
3.4 kgs

0.7 kgs

Amniotic Fluid
0.9 kgs

5.0 kgs

You are going to gain 13.6 kgs
Man.....bummer giler...ok.. ok look at the bright side..if this estimate is true...im still goin to be 3 kilos lighter than November last year....

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


If you want it, you can have it.
If you ask for it, it is given.
If you dream it, it can happen.
If you believe it, doors will open.
It is all coming to you.
It is all on its way to you.
It will come to you! Dreams do come true!

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Smell to die for.

Anybody who is close to me knows I am a biggggggg fan of parfumes..The sense of smell for me is an outlet for my stress and can instantly brighten my day..i just love things that smell good...

To my dismay (sob..sob)..i am officialy out of perfume...when i say run out...i mean not a single drop...i searched high and low....all my bottles are e-m-p-t-y....this people has never ever happened...
but with my current bibiks permit and car insurance comin up..i guess i have to live with it...ihik2...

and guys..if you ever come across this oh-so-wonderful-smellin beauty..take a whiff...

ange ou demon by Givenchy

can i chant again....i wish i may...i wish i might.....have this fall from the sky tonight!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Hell yeah..this is my blog and i can post anything i like...

Dedicated to my ex-diaper

Dear Ex Diaper,

You will pay for what you have done. One Day.

Wait and see asshole.

Lots and lots of Love,


Tuesday, February 5, 2008

For the first time

For the first time in many many many months...i actually feel motivated to work.
Today, I actually picked up a book on pore pressure and googled it.
Haven't done that in a loooong time...I really hope I continue to feel like this....

thank you n*bert for just being you.
thank you god for not making 8 hours of my days feel like hell.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

no title

I hate it here.


Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Emo kejap

I usually am pretty good with forgiving and moving on, but I can't seem to forget.
And honestly, I feel when you can't forget…you actually did not forgive..

Monday, January 7, 2008

and he's leaving on a jet plane....

A night to remember

Our Hero

Havin fun!

Will surely miss you..

Tired out
A picture says a thousand words.
My ex-boss is movin to the Mumbai centre and we had a little farewell party for him.
Kinda sad..sebak gitu..coz..even though i have a love-hate relationship with him...i will genuinely miss him..

Sylvere dear...till our paths cross again.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

2008 is here...

Wowie..time sure flies fast doesn't it? 2008 is here.

We are going to have a fabulous year!...looking forward to the challenges, laughter and joy of 2008.

love from us,

Arif, Daniel and Moi

chant to self: what is in the mind, will surely manifest.