Sunday, December 16, 2007 we go..

This is my first ever attempt to blog.....lets hope to god I'll keep it up and it doesn't turn into one of my abandoned projects!!

3 cheers!:

Madam Robert said...

o0oohOoOo~*!! there she come! the mysterious sya revealed.. ahakzx! but guys, dont believe when she said she's a bad ass employer! coz if she is, means i'm worst!! (^_^)

sya said... how do you know i ni mysterious??muahhss..selamat hari raya gorgeous!!!miss u lots.

Madam Robert said...

hahaa¬* x kata pun u tu mysterious for me, but for those out there (terutama kat Friendster!!) u are!! ;p x update langsung! misteri laa tu.. =p and jarak mmg terasa bila tup2 sya bukak cerita 'baru'.. ;(

anyway, Selamat Hari Raya.. tu me manques aussi!!(*i miss u too!)
